Wednesday, 1 July 2015

The Ghanaian Edge

  Ghana's economy, business organizations and society, I believe, are confronted with a challenge quite imposing and perhaps unique. It is unique not because this is the first time we're confronted with such a situation, but the dimension it has taken, looking back on our past experiences.
In these days of Ghana's currency imbroglios, economic uncertainty and strident politics, understanding of the need to champion self development must be put forth as not merely a useful goal but the imperative of the day. There's the need for our consciousness to be awoken.
Day-in day-out, public servants and students should endeavour to advance it. State men and women and our diplomats must demonstrate it. Captains of industries and commerce should embrace it, as the framework of our self-interest. Journalists should labour diligently to expand it and inform it. Professors and technocrats in academia should stand up to this challenge
Perhaps, it's worth asking: "where have the dreams and prodigious efforts of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah so far left us?"

  Almost fifty years or so ago, Ghana was in the same boat as South Korea, Singapore and Malaysia.
But half a century down the line, Ghana is about twenty times behind the likes of Malaysia and Singapore on the economic and social development radar.

The question one could ask is, what is it that went wrong for Ghana? What is it that propelled the Malaysians, Singaporeans, Koreans and even the Chinese to transform their economies into world class economies that they are today? For all these countries, one thing remained common, the people. A very important aspect of what contributed to the success of these countries, especially Japan, is the people - not as members of this or that group (be it political, ethical or religious), but as individuals and as society, and their understanding of the need to champion self-development.
  It is said that "if three persons are marooned on a desert island: two men and a woman. If the men are Italians, what happen is that they fight for the honour of the lady's hand. If they are both Frenchmen, then they join forces to try and talk the lady into an agreement. But if the two men are Japanese, they wait on Tokyo for instruction." Ask yourself, what would they do if they are Ghanaians.

  All over the world, countries that are serious about development and transformation have philosophies. You can talk about the Germans, Japanese, Chinese and so on, but what is our own philosophy?

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