Friday, 14 August 2015

Found Grace in Your Love

The earth, the sky, they exist because our love exists;
Night turns to day for our love's sake;
It's raining happiness;
All my dreams fulfilled because our love exists;
You're my everything.

Don't ever leave me;
Bring peace to my heart;
And bless me with your grace;
O, God! Am grateful to you;
That my love has come before me.

I bow to you in reverence;
I'll lose myself in your arms;
You 're my sunshine;
You're my shade;
My destiny.

Am scared no more;
I know you're with me;
All your sorrow, they're mine;
All your joy, they're mine;
You're my love.

Don't ever leave me;
Gratify my heart ;
And bless me with your grace;
For I have found grace in lour love.

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